The Regal opened on
November 26th, 1934, at a ceremony performed by the Provost. The
opening attraction was the film 'The House of Rothschild'. Plans for
the building by CJ McNair were submitted in 1930, although James McKissack has also been listed in connection with the building.
Most Palatial Super Cinema - The Regal - specially designed to provide
superlatively good entertainment, is certain to achieve an immediate
and overwhelming success. In the spacious comfort that so increases
ones enjoyment - and in an atmosphere of dignified and entrancing
beauty - all the pleasures of perfect entertainment are yours.
Perfect Reproduction is provided by the most modern type of Western
Electric apparatus, incorporating all the latest tangible improvements,
including the new WIDE RANGE System.
The heating and ventilation plant is a marvel of modern engineering. It
provides a constant supply of perished air, which provides a perfectly
wholesome atmosphere.
- Opening Advert
The cinema featured a Compton organ with an illuminated console. In the
1960s, it was renamed simply the ABC. Bought by CAC in 1978, it regained the name Regal, before finally closing in 1981. It
has been a bingo & social club ever since.
Until recently run by County Bingo, the sale of that company to Gala
has triggered its closure on March 5th, 2006. The future of the building
is now uncertain.
Galleries below courtesy of Bruce Murray

Exterior |

Foyers |

Auditorium |

Other Spaces |
Interior photos below courtesy Anonymous Contributor
Interior photos below courtesy of Brian O'Malley