The Highlands and Islands Film Guild was based in Inverness and
employed 14 driver projectionists and operated around the north and
west of Scotland from 1946-1970.
Norman Allen writes...
"The guy with the projectors was my father and he worked with the Guild from almost the beginning in 1946 until the end in 1970.
The projectors used were Bell & Howell 16mm with a couple of Debrie
d16 as used at the old CAC cinema at Tain after CAC had finished there.
Each van carried two B&H projectors, two B&H 12" speakers and
in the early days a screen, possibly about 8' x 6', but maybe even a
little larger, plus all the other little necessities to carry out a
Films would arrive at the Inverness office and thereafter would be
posted out to a projectionist who would pass on to the next and so on
until it had travelled round them all.
The magazine article was from Scotlands magazine in December 1955."